How does it work?

Get ready to order your free car

Shortly you will select the specifications of your car and start the delivery process.

But first, we will clarify how the process works and what you should expect.

Please read our mission statement

Equipment on the car

As you can see from the video at the top of this page, the car will be installed with a digital sign which is what pays for the car.
The sign is fixed permanently to the car and can’t be removed at any time.

You are responsible for looking after the sign to avoid any damage and to keep the sign clean at all times.

We also install sensors that may include cameras, GPS, and radio sensors on the outside of the car for collecting data from the road as you drive around. They do not require any maintenance by you, although the camera lenses must be kept clean.

We will also install other electronic equipment in the car that should not be interfered with in any way or disconnected.

We do not record any video or audio inside the car, our data collection is only focused on the audience reached by the ads on the screen, on the roof of the car.

The car itself is standard and does not have any advertising on it, the only ads are on the screen.

We automatically turn the screen off when parked overnight at your home.

We may from time to time need to arrange an engineer visit to change or upgrade some equipment, which we will do at a time that is good for you. But most equipment management is done by us remotely so we should not need to access the car very often.

Who pays for what?

RydFree Pays

For the car, insurance, road tax, maintenance, servicing, repairs and tyres

You pay for

Fuel, road tolls, congestion charge, low emission zone charges, parking, and parking fines and traffic violation fines.

Car Delivery

All cars supplied are new and ordered in bulk to reduce the cost to us.

Delivery is generally 3-4 months from the date of your order. As your order progresses you will be kept informed of your delivery schedule.

When the car is ready, with the equipment installed we will arrange delivery to your home.

What can you do with the car?

You are free to drive the car around where and when you want.

You have been selected by postcode because we expect most of your journeys to be from that address.

But there is nothing stopping you from driving on trips or holidays anywhere in the UK.

You are fully authorised to use the car for commercial use, but you must let us know so we can take out appropriate insurance.

The car can be used as a small business work vehicle, delivery vehicle and for Uber drivers, for us the more you drive the car the better.

What can’t you do with the car?

You can not sell the car, it remains the property of Rydfree, you are just free to drive it.

You can not lease or rent the car to anyone else. Only Rydfree authorised drivers can drive the car.

You can not modify the car in any way without written permission from RydFree. We will authorise modifications like towbars and driving instructor dual controls.

You should not travel outside the UK with the car, but this may be possible by arrangement in the future. Driving in England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales is authorised.

You should not park the car for long periods of time without use, parking at work is fine and overnight, but the car is free because we need it moving around as much time as possible.

Special Missions

From time to time we will offer free charges or tanks of fuel, or supermarket vouchers for specific driving missions, like driving up and down a particular road at a certain time and day, or around a particular area, or parking at a large event.

We may in the future offer cash payments for these kinds of missions. It may even be possible to earn a living doing these special driving missions, depending on where you live. But you are never obliged to take on any additional driving tasks, they will always be optional. For now, and for as long as you want, you can enjoy doing your own driving trips for free.


Your only cost for running the car is fuel, you will be responsible for charging electric cars or filling them with petrol or diesel.


Look out for the chance to get bonus charges or tank fills by driving certain routes. You will be notified when those options become available.


You will have the option to select your preferred fuel type which will depend on availability.


The driver who completes the order will be the main registered driver of the car and will be responsible for it.

You can add other drivers in your family as long as they have a full driving licence.

We want the car moving as much as possible so we are happy if there is always someone driving it.

Rydfree will pay for your comprehensive insurance.

There is a 200 pound fee that is paid with your order that will, among other things, cover insurance excess in the event of a claim, or minor damages that don't require a claim.

As we process your order we will be in touch to get all of the drivers details and licence information for the insurance policy.


You will be notified when your car needs a service and you will need to arrange to get the car into the dealership for servicing, Rydfree will pay for all servicing.

We expect you to check the oil and water levels and top them up if needed.

Keep tyre pressures as per the manufacturer's requirements to avoid unnecessary tyre wear.

You should notify us of anything that is not working properly on the car as soon as possible and we will arrange to get the matter resolved at our expense.

You are responsible for ensuring the tyres are legal, when they need to be replaced book the car into one of our approved tyre replacement shops, they are paid for on the RydFree account.

What happens at the end of the 3-year term

All cars are changed every 3 years.

As that approaches, you will be given the option to order a new car and we will swap out your car for the latest model.

Or if you no longer want the car, you can return it and get your delivery fee back, assuming the car is undamaged.

We do accept general wear and tear like small shallow scratches and stone chips, but deep scratches and wheel damage from the kerb may need to be paid for with your security deposit. The 200 pounds represents the maximum cost to you whatever happens to the car.


The car will be registered to Rydfrree and so any parking, speeding or traffic violation fines that come throough to us will be forwarded to the registered driver. You are responsible for any fines that occur while you have the car.


You will be given a number to call the RydFree accident department in the event of an accident.

Please obtain the other driver's details and make a note of the time and location of the accident, and take photos, we will request this information to process the insurance claim.

We will provide a replacement or temporary vehicle to you as soon as we can prepare one, it may not be the same specification as the one you had before.

In the event of an accident that is your fault, you will lose your delivery fee, which will be used to pay the insurance claim excess.


When the car is delivered we will provide you with contact details for the breakdown recovery service. You will be covered nationwide and returned home or a temporary vehicle provided in the event of a breakdown.

Let’s get started

Once you have carefully read and understood the above and agree with the terms.

Please complete the form below to start the order process.

After completing the form below you will be taken to a payment page where we will process your delivery fee payment of £200 which covers delivery, processing and damage security.

Then we will be in touch as your order is processed.

Make sure you keep an eye on your email for any questions we may have or arrangements we need to make.

We will also keep you up to date with other exciting opportunities that will be made available to you as a Rydfree diver.

Welcome aboard!

What cars are available?

Use these links below to find out more about the cars we have available, they are for information purposes only, do not attempt to order on the manufacturers website they will expect full payment for the car. To start your RydFree order, simply fill the form at the bottom of this page.

Order Form
